To My Darling Readers,

Today marks the beginning of a bold [modest] experiment to explore ways to “celebrate life after 50” [remind others we are still alive and have discretionary cash to spend].  This compelling [potentially disastrous] project began the day that I, GiGi Newhart, decided to become a world famous blogger.  However, early in the journey [for at least 16 months], I wrestled with how to proceed [make the damned WordPress software work].  Given the inordinate complexities of today’s technology [my uncanny ability to break computers], I decided to pivot and become a phenomenal advice columnist–sharing keen observations, inspiring stories, witty (and depressing) thoughts, and crazy ideas for “living the dream.”

Toward that end, I need your help, my sweet pumpkins.  Please send me your most compelling questions about what it takes to live life to the fullest at 50 and beyond. You can reach me via my personal email address:

My plan of action will be threefold: (a) review the hundreds of letters [3-4] I receive weekly, over a lovely cup of Earl Grey tea [stiff, dirty martini]; (b) identify the most deeply perplexing [provocative] questions submitted; and (c) share the best of those questions, along with sage [possibly sarcastic] advice, with my legion of fans via this thoroughly delightful column.  Whenever possible, I promise to add funny and inspirational photos to illuminate the discussion [make you laugh out loud].

If you enjoy this column, share a link with a friend. If you feel the need to comment, please do.

Forever yours – GiGi Newheart

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