Seeing the World Through Our Own Lens
When I moved to Northern California in 1996, I had no idea what to expect. After spending most of my life in a conservative, midwestern environment, I was curious about what life would be like on the Golden Coast. Was it different? Oh my – yes! It was such a mixture of stunning landscapes and global culture. Above all, living there was a valuable life lesson. In 2004, I left the ocean and redwoods for the bricks of St. Louis – and settled back in my hometown near my growing family. I realized that those bricks were laid at the foundation of…
The Joy of Smartphones
Last summer, I visited Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with my family. It was a relaxing, enjoyable vacation that I’ll always remember. My Smartphone was a constant companion that made the experience as seamless as possible. Since I’m a professional photographer, I try to have one of my DSLR cameras with me, but there are times when that isn’t the case. That’s when the apps in my Smartphone come to the rescue. From the moment we awaken until the time we call it a night, here are 12 ways that our Smartphones can enhance our time for play. As an alarm: Get the…